Funnel-web Spider
(Atrax & Hadronyche sp.)

Funnel-web spiders are distributed over a wide range of eastern Australia. They are found in the more humid areas of wet and dry sclerophyll forests and rainforests.

At least 13 people have been killed by Funnel-web spiders since 1927. An antivenom produced in 1980 by Dr Struan Sutherland has been successful in saving lives.

The venom of these spiders is peculiar in that it appears to only harm primates, and has virtually no effect upon cats and dogs. Symptoms of a bite consist of profuse sweating, local pain, anxiety, hairs standing on end, vomiting.

To avoid bites from spiders, wear gloves when gardening, shake bed clothes and clothing before use.

There are some 13 different types of Funnel-web: the A) Sydney Funnel-web B) Tree or Northern Funnel-web C) Toowoomba or Darling Downs Funnel-web are capable of causing death. Female Funnel-webs may produce up to 100 eggs in a cocoon-like egg sac.

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